Posts in Politics
We become who we listen to, who we follow, who we elect

When I was young, I was one of those people who said “I’m not political.” I’m a bit ashamed of that now. It showed my privilege. It showed my fear.

Then about a decade ago, I started slowly seeking out varying view points and forming my own opinions about politics. Rather than shying away from political conversations, I started asking questions. And like anything else, I wrote — it’s how I pull my thoughts into existence, it’s how I process. I blogged about the last few presidential elections (2016, 2012, 2008) and found it incredibly cathartic and empowering. I also found it terrifying. Terrifying to so publicly speak an opinion that varied from my family, and from the majority of my community at the time.

This year, there’s been so much I’ve wanted to say, but mostly I’ve found myself hesitating…

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PoliticsBethany Stedman